Robotic Parking Systems

Robotic Parking Systems

The Robotic or Automatic Parking Systems enables parking for several cars in half the area of a conventional ramp-style parking facility.

This creates more space for design & development. Architects and developers can use less space for parking and incorporate more green space, retail space, residential or office space or a combination of these.

All Automated parking systems take advantage of a common concept to decrease the area of parking spaces – removing the driver and passengers from the car before it is parked. With either fully automated or semi-automated systems, the car is driven up to an entry point and the driver and passengers exit the car before the system takes over to park the cars safely.

  • Parking space width and depth (and distances between parking spaces) are dramatically reduced since no allowance needs be made for driving the car into the parking space or for opening car doors.
  • No driving lanes or ramps are needed to drive the car to / from the entrance / exit to a parking space.
  • Ceiling height is minimized since there is no pedestrian traffic in the parking area.
  • No walkways, stairways or elevators are needed to accommodate pedestrians in the parking area.

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